Meet the 7 year QB from Buckeye

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Bronson Kal-El Sanchez is a 1st grade student at Verrado Elementary School in Buckeye, Arizona and a member of the 2033 graduating class. He is an avid flag football player, currently playing for the West Valley Panthers, a 7-8 year old club team. The team competes in monthly tournaments in Arizona, playing two to three games a week.

Bronson’s favorite part of playing flag football is scoring points and being a leader of the team. He enjoys scrambling around the pocket and throwing daily with his dad to improve his accuracy. He also likes being in control of the offense and values the importance of working well with his teammates. For Bronson, winning is important, but having fun playing the game is ultimately the most important aspect.

Bronson looks up to Tua Tagovalioa, a left-handed quarterback, and admires the way he plays with fun and ease. Bronson also enjoys playing basketball, having played in a 6-7 year old league and won multiple championships, averaging 20 points a game. He works with a strength trainer twice a week to improve his speed and collects Pokémon and basketball and football cards.

Bronson is excited to attend his first football camp, where he hopes to improve his skills, particularly in learning to scramble while being rushed and throwing on the run. He also hopes to learn how to play the wide receiver position to improve his overall game.

Bronson’s biggest challenge is improving his accuracy and arm strength. He works with a weight lifting coach and speed coach to improve in these areas. He does not have a pregame routine yet, but enjoys eating sour patch kids and drinking Gatorade. His dad, who is also a coach, works with him daily at home, and he plays on a recreation team in Surprise, Arizona.

For young quarterbacks starting out, Bronson advises to practice and work on speed and arm strength. So far, he has had no injuries in his career and always plays football, with no real off-season. He is currently on two flag football teams and looking to play basketball as well.