Teddy Conrad-Williams Jr., currently an eighth grader at Norris Middle School, is an exciting young talent who will soon embark on the next chapter of his football journey at Centennial High School. With exceptional arm talent, grace under pressure, and a natural aptitude for leadership, Teddy has already laid the foundation for what promises to be an impactful football career.
Teddy’s path to quarterbacking began in an unexpected way during the COVID-19 pandemic. With skateboarding competitions on hold, he turned to Madden football to stay engaged with sports. It didn’t take long before this passion evolved into a real-life pursuit, and he dove headfirst into tackle football. Now, three seasons later, Teddy has not only embraced the quarterback position but thrived under the spotlight.
One of Teddy’s proudest achievements came two seasons ago when he competed for the starting quarterback position against a more experienced and physically dominant teammate. Despite being younger, shorter, and less powerful at the time, Teddy earned the starting role, leading his team to a semi-final playoff appearance as a seventh grader. That experience ignited a competitive fire in him, and he thrives in high-pressure situations. Teddy relishes the challenge of rallying his team in the final minutes of a game, saying, “I love the pressure of being down in a game and bringing us back with a big drive.” His clutch performance against the South Cavs, orchestrating a late-game comeback to keep his team undefeated, remains a standout memory in his young career.
Teddy’s admiration for NFL star Joe Burrow reflects his own playing style and mindset. Like Burrow, Teddy exudes calmness in critical moments and has the intelligence to make decisive plays when the game is on the line. Beyond the field, Teddy’s work ethic is undeniable. He dedicates his mornings to strength training with his dad using Wendler’s 5/3/1 program, participates in throwing sessions with friends or 7v7 teammates in the afternoons, and spends weekends competing or sharpening his skills with his QB coach, Jaden Pierucci.
His commitment to improvement doesn’t stop with physical training. Teddy frequently attends camps to measure his skills against his peers, gaining invaluable experience and refining his craft. In addition to his short-term goal of preparing his body for freshman football, Teddy has his sights set on earning a varsity roster spot as a sophomore. He understands the importance of relentless effort and discipline, often sharing the advice to “never give up” and to never let anyone’s doubts define your potential.
Teddy credits much of his growth and success to his father, who has been his offensive coordinator throughout his youth football career. Their close bond and shared understanding of the game have been instrumental in creating effective game plans and developing Teddy’s football IQ. Teddy is also grateful for the unwavering support of his youth coaches, including Coach Eddie, Coach Q, Coach Eddie P., and several others who have shaped his journey.
As he transitions to Centennial High School, Teddy’s determination and leadership promise to make an immediate impact. With a focus on building his body in the weight room and continuing to refine his quarterbacking skills, he is primed for success at the next level. For Teddy, football isn’t just a game—it’s a platform to showcase his intelligence, composure, and dedication. His story is a testament to hard work and perseverance, making him a player to watch as he continues to rise through the ranks.
Thank you to Teddy’s coaches, teammates, and family for supporting his journey, and best of luck to Teddy as he pursues his dream of making an impact at Centennial High School. Beat Liberty!